
Interview with Carro

It's nice to call you our Team Leader of Team Wartex. How did it come about that you are now leading our team with all your heart?Since i started competing on cs i always have been iglsince my early years if been putting a lot of

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New Wartex eSports Female Team

We are pleased to announce our new Female team. The team will compete directly on 12.2.24 at an ESL Impact Cup. They will also be playing in the Open at the next ESEA Season 49. We are looking forward to exciting matches and great footage. Welcome

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New Wartex eSports Team

We are pleased to announce our new roster from Team Wartex eSports. The new team will play in ESEA Main. And supported by our coach Noot. We hope for exciting matches with the team. We wish them much sucess in ESEA and SCL. Alexander "Woodz" Wood

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New Logo

We are pleased to present you our new logo! Unfortunately our homepage is still under construction. We think that we will be online again between 10-11 January. After that we would like to share our plans with you. There will be a road map to see

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Wartex eSports 8 Years 4/4

In those years, we only focussed on teams. For a short time, we were also back in German eSports. Unfortunately, the team broke up after one season. After that, we only focussed on one team and with success! After our SE team made it into the

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Wartex eSports 8 Years 3/4

We associate many successes and triumphs with this logo at Wartex eSports. During these years we were also able to celebrate successes in German eSports. We had a strong team in Div 3. 99Damage. There were players in this team who are now playing in the

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Wartex eSports 8 Years 2/4

2018 was a good year for us. Our organisation was able to finish GOLeague Season 1 with a team in 3rd place. This year was also the first time that we supported an international team. We were able to celebrate victories in the ESEA Open League

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Wartex eSports 8 Years 1/4

We remember the beginning of Wartex eSports. It all started with a free title: Infestation New Z. It was quite easy to find new people. Within 2 months we already had 15 members. And we decided to include Counterstrike in the organisation. It was very exciting

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League progress and new start from EU Team

After losing two players in the middle of last ESEA Intermediate season the team was put on hold for a little bit as we evaluated our options for a rebuild. After internal discussions it was clear that Wartex would part ways with it's In-Game Leader "neirdA",

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It is with pleasure that we announce the partnership with @MadeirGustavo . Green will provide you with good content for our matches. But not only he streams matches but also CSGO games and much more. We hope for long cooperation with you. Twitch:… Kick:…

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Community reopening

We are reopening our community area. Become a part of Wartex eSports and participate in community events. You want to create a team? We support you with servers and Teamspeak. Currently we are looking for Swedish and German members. If everything goes well, we will expand

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ESEA Main League S42

Endlich geht wieder los für unser schwedisches Team. Nach einer Sommerpause startet die ESEA League mit ihr Saison 42. Wir sind gespannt, ob unser Team es in die Playoffs schafft. Nach dem Titel auf der Dreamhack sind wir guter Dinge, dass unser SE Team fit für die Saison

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DreamHack Summer BYOC 2022 Champion!

Wir haben es geschafft, unser Team konnte sich den Titel auf der dies jährigen Dreamhack in Jönköping erspielen. Es fing an mit der Gruppenphase, die unser Team ohne richtige Gegenwehr meistern konnte. Das erste Match gegen URSKOG konnten wir souverän auf de_overpass mit 16:1 beenden. Auch das zweite Gruppenspiel lief nicht

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Herzlich Willkommen Wartex eSports DE Academy Team!

Wir freuen uns euch unser neues Wartex Academy Team vorstellen zu können. Deswegen begrüßen wir: riya, sntx, faadet, chosen, change und freuen uns auf eine schöne Zeit mit euch und eine gute Zusammenarbeit. Los geht es für unser neues Team direkt in der 99 Damage League

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Unser schwedisches Team auf der Dreamhack Jönköping!

Es wird spannend dieses Jahr. Unser Schweden Team ist auf der Dreamhack Summer 22 in Jönköping vertreten. Auf diesem Event gibt es nicht nur eine große Lan. Sondern auch die Dreamhack Open. Ein großes Turnier das auf diesem Event stattfindet. Unser Team wird versuchen die Spitze

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Deutsches Team in den Open Playoffs!

Wir freuen uns bekannt zu geben. Dass unser deutsches Team den Einzug in die ESEA Open League Playoffs geschafft hat. Es waren sehr spannende Matches dabei in der Saison 41. Wir konnten richtig mit fiebern und sind gespannt auf die Playoff-Matches. Unser Team ist noch nicht lange bei uns und

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